Monday, November 4, 2013

The fourth consecutive day of featuring Jack O' Lanterns

I'm still finding it quite easy to find Halloween pumpkins - Jackos - that continue to adorn the yards of the neighborhood. This one, and a companion pumpkin, stand next to the sidewalk at an apartment complex on Chatsworth, less than a block from home. It is starting to show some effects of weathering and age.  But continues to smile.

This is the same photo as yesterday except that the large black plastic bags that were once stuffed full of leaves and stacked here, have vanished. Evidence of due diligence in ridding my yard of leaves discarded by the neighborhood trees.

I must protest the policies of Ramsey County, especially the leaf recycling center on Pleasant Avenue. They don't accept "donations" until 11 a.m. on Mondays and then are closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They should start earlier in this season of yard toil. The Prairie Princess and I were poised to deliver the 16 bags of "yard waste" to them much earlier than that, but were forced to wait while a driving rain storm moved into town. It began to rain in earnest at about 10:45 and we were forced to deliver the bags to them in a steady downpour. We had to empty the bags and take them home with us, which meant that we had to untie the tops of the bags before ridding them of their contents. In a few words - "we got drenched." But we got the job done, three trips to the center and ten minutes of drying out and cleaning the car.   And ourselves.

To make the day much brighter, we went to the Italian Pie Shoppe with NCW to refuel and enjoy the wonder of hot, luscious pizza on a cold day. Ah, the taste of warm, sausage pizza.

The weather has turned again towards a wintry mix. There may be snow tomorrow and if so it may be harder to find a Jacko for the blog, but I made the strategic move of buying a pie pumpkin from Trader Joe's today and may have to make my own Jacko to station in the backyard to see what the squirrels make of that.


Santini said...

Nice job with the pumpkin photo. They do age quickly, it seems.

Sounds like your local government works about like ours does. We have private leaf pick up here, since we're outside the city limits.

Sausage pizza sounds almost as good as the Sicilian pizza we had last night.

Emily M said...

At least in the big city across the river, they will pick up your leaf bags with the weekly trash collection. We've said goodbye to at least a dozen so far.