Monday, November 1, 2010

Public Transportation

Theme day has to be respected to some extent. The theme for November first is public transportation. The paddle wheelers on the Mississippi at Harriet Island may or may not be publicly owned, but they are available for hire and run in the summer time at least once a day.

The Metro in Paris certainly qualifies as public transportation. The sign above the entrance to the underground station may not be sufficient for purists, but I'm going with these two photos. The Metro sign photo was taken in May, the paddle wheeler a few weeks ago while there were still leaves on the trees.

It seemed like a busy day today, and I'm feeling some fatigue. Mostly, I raked leaves in the yard, bagged them and toted them to the leaf recycle center on Pleasant Avenue. Later, because it was such a nice day, I had a walk at Crosby Farm. There is still some standing water near Upper LAke from the fall flood that came down the Mississippi earlier this fall. It takes a long time for that much water to disappear.

Election tomorrow. The last of the irritating political attack ads should be off the air by the end of tonight. There oughtta be a law against that stuff.


Retired Professor said...

The paddle wheel boat is a unique form of public transportation. And the Metro photo adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the conversation.

Emily M said...

Excellent public transportation photos - the Metro makes me all nostalgic for our trip. It certainly was fun.

Gino said...

It took magnification but I can now identify that as the Bastille stop. You also have a sign for the always important Toilettes Publiques. And you are right in front of the Banque de France building.

I remember that day.

Jimi said...

Gino - Good detective work. You are exactly correct. I agree with Emily, too. It was a good day, as were all of the days in Paris.