Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Ramblings

The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, named for the hope that the stores will sell enough to be able to get into the black - thus showing a profit for the year. I boycott this particular secular holiday, but not because I don't want to see the stores become profitable. It's just too early for me to start buying Christmas gear. I still feel like I'm living in September. So I played some tennis at Fort Snelling, working off some of those calories from yesterday and having a little fun.

This photo is to remind me that the ground has a layer of snow on it and it likely will remain for quite a while. The weeds that were growing on the fence have wilted and won't be growing any more this year.

The slide scanning project goes on. This photo is from a business trip that I took in 1981 to Bavaria. It was a Cray User Group Meeting and I was called upon to give a speech on the state of Cray's software. As I recall there was something controversial going on and I was required by my management to give several dry runs to be sure that I got all the wording correct and in the right order. As I recall, during the presentation the slides and my notes got out of sync and I was forced to wing it. There was a frozen moment or two when I searched my memory for the correct wording and the correct order. In the end no one remembers but me.

After the conference, we took about a week to tour around Bavaria and see the sights. This is what Bavaria looks like in several places. This area is fairly close to Hitler's Eagles Nest, but it was taken 29 years ago, so don't ask me for much more detail.

It's starting to seem like time for a pizza and dessert pie party.

1 comment:

santini said...

Your pizza and dessert pie party is a highlight of the family holiday party circuit.