Thursday, November 25, 2010


It was a great Thanksgiving day at Gino's. Emmy made the turkey, Kelsey made an apple pie, and the rest of us contributed in one way or another to putting on a feast. It was a cold twelve degrees outside, but the inside was warm and the odors were pure Thanksgiving. Another set of photos from the turkey cook can be found elsewhere on the inner tubes.

The turkey cook and the nicely browned up bird.

The hostess behind the table festooned with flowers and set to begin the feasting.

The turkey cook emeritus and consultant to this year's cook as he finished the carving up task, just before the real serious eating began.

And Unky Herb and the Prairie Princess as they awaited the onset of eating.

We ate well and had a couple of hours of good conversation, laughter, including some remembrances of the phrase, "What's the frequency, Kenneth" among other varied and engrossing topics.  What's with the French preoccupation with thumbs?


Santini said...

Nice narrative. I'm sorry to have missed the turkey fueled shinanigans. I love all the smiling faces in the photos. I'm glad you had such a good Thanksgiving.

Santini said...

I love Kelsey's necklace and earrings.

BDE said...

You forgot to mention the fun we had with the Big Lebowski line "Well, sir, it's this rug I have. It really tied the room together."
Lots of laughter this Thanksgiving!