Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthdays, birthdays

The weather has been chilly and not conducive to photos.  It's November.  I did have a walkabout around noon at Harriet Island including a walk around Raspberry Island. I didn't take any pictures, partly because I knew that there were slides that I had scanned that I'd prefer to post. It was about 32 degrees and windy, so I didn't do much sight seeing either.

The slide scanning project, ironically, reached Adam's birth, and on Totally Jammin's birthday (Happy 12th Birthday, T.J.). These photos, taken in April, 1980, were recording the events in Adam's first hour after birth. He's a little tired, I guess, but all the fingers and toes were present and in working order. This is another image that I hadn't seen in probably 20 years.  He kinda sorta looks like himself.

And this is Adam's dad in scrubs after witnessing his son's birth. I guess I was supposed to be of some use, but all I remember is participating in his first bath. And taking this and several other unposted photos.  Here I'm rolling in his bed for his first day in the nursery.

So much for birthdays.  There was also some tennis at Wooddale tonight.  I managed to get in quite a bit of exercise today, in spite of the coolness and the premature darkness.  My play was erratic, but we managed to win a couple of sets and finish in 90 minutes.


BDE said...

I was thinking before I read what you wrote that he already looked like the Adam we all love.

Santini said...

Cute photos. Nice symmetry, scanning in baby Adam's photos on TJ's birthday.

Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe my cousins grew up so quick and my son 12 already. Both very cute babies.