Monday, June 18, 2007

Windy afternoon of tennis

With apologies to Santini: "If you don't play tennis in the wind, you don't play tennis." I spent a couple of hours and a lot of energy trying to hit tennis balls in the sweetspot, when they didn't really want to be hit in the sweetspot. Three sets with the gang of geezers: 6-1, 7-5, 7-6, if my memory serves me, which it doesn't always. In the third set we spent about 5 minutes trying to recall the previous three points so that we could tell if the score was 15-30 or luv-40. We finally agreed on luv-40, but I'm still not sure if that was right. I was just happy to quit and not have to deal with lobs that curved a half court in the air and another quarter court before you could hit it. Gusts were reputed to be reaching 30 mph.

I'm uploading a photo of myself to establish a url so the blogger software will be able to find this photo. This may or not be permanent. It may be amusing.

An image from the Sculpture Garden of Wireless's office in downtown Minneapolis, the IDS Tower. The Garden is just north of Walker Art Center across the street from Loring Park. Herb has a photo that may even be better, because he has a cherry in his. No chocolate.


Santini said...

No apologies necessary. It's a good rule for anyone serious about an outdoor sport. It does have its limits, and somewhere around 20 or 25 is about it. You and Gino both did a self portrait theme today. I'll have to see what I can rustle up.

Emily M said...

I forgot to comment on this post before, but that is a very nice shot of my office. Thanks!