Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blogging about blogging

It's the day after the 2012 national election and I'm a little tired out.  I stayed up until 1 a.m. to see the last two speeches - the concession and the acceptance of the concession.  I guess I'm a little gassed, and I didn't get any good photos today.  I did, however, hit some tennis balls at Fred Wells Tennis Center, and got in some pretty good cardio-vascular exercise.  Thanks to Tennis Dennis and crew.  Since I vowed to blog every day this month, I needed a plan.  Or perhaps a ploy.  I could experiment with the features of blogger perhaps.  Maybe change the font or the size of the font.   Or strike through.  I have photo archives to use.

Polar bear. At the zoo. Sunday.

I looked back at the blog history.  This is what was going on in 2008 on this date - November 7.   It snowed that day. There is no snow here yet this year, but that is not necessarily a sign of global warming. It's just what happens sometimes.   I did, however, play tennis that day, too, as I did again today, and at the same venue.

I looked at my stat counter.  I've had over 50,000 "hits" since I began this blog on May 3, 2007, five and a half years ago.  I guess I can get through one more blog, especially if I have a photo of a polar bear to upload.


Retired Professor said...

Totally bearable.

Gino said...

It is my favorite day of TV. It usually lasts until well after my bedtime. The day after is always difficult.

I still love it.

Emily M said...

The polar bears at Como seem so much happier in their new exhibit, don't they? Nice photo in any case.

BDE said...

The bear looks as if he/she is praying. Good photo. I spent Wed feedbacking (assessing many papers/projects) and then going to see Bob Dylan and Mark Knopfler at the Excel. It was an excellent concert. Bob was surprisingly animated.