Saturday, October 9, 2010

John Lennon would be 70 today.

The quest for orange or grapefruit colored leaves continues. It is out of hand. Today, I've switched to closer shots of leaves in the requisite color.

A single maple leaf caught against a arbor vidae evergreen caught my eye as I walked towards Grand Avenue. I went home to get my camera. It's a nice representative of the category orangey colored leaves.

And this tree - another maple - seen against a blue, blue sky. It's the maple in my own back yard. This has been one nice weekend, and it promises to continue. Now if the Twins could win just one game in New York, it would make the weekend much better.

The tennis competition continued inside this morning at Wooddale. It seemed too nice a day to play inside, but we had reserved the courts and it was still just 8:30 and 61 degrees, so we played. It was Jerry, Pat, Bob and me. Early morning tennis is a challenge. Getting warmed up, getting the creaks out of the old bones is always harder that hour of the day. Eventually all the parts seemed to work well enough together and competition began. We played a close set to a tie breaker, 7-6, then managed another 5 games before the next batch of Saturday morning tennis ball bashers showed up and took the court. I was happy to have played and actually was playing pretty well about the time we quit.

It's John and Sean Lennon's joint birthday today. Sean is 35. John was 40 when he was murdered in NYC in 1980. Time, that old river, keeps on flowing, doesn't it?

And what's with this Contador guy? Doper? Misunderstood Spaniard?


Retired Professor said...

Definitely out of control, I agree. I like the first one -- dark orange against the evergreen is a nice contrast.

I predicted -- before the TdF -- that it would be won by a young doper. That gave me lots of lattitude, sadly. I hate being right.

vijit said...

What a nice blog. I found it through google suddenly. I have a blog too but not like this one.