Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blueberry Pie

There has been some talk about blueberry pie lately and today there was action in that direction. PP baked a pie from a variety of frozen blueberries that were gathered for the purpose. Some were wild berries, little sweet blues. Some were big luscious berries left from our Michigan adventure. Mixed together and baked in PP's famous pie crust, they made a pretty sight. The first shot was taken partially through the process, before the top crust was affixed.

And then the final product just as it was exiting the oven, golden brown and smelling of something wonderfully tasty. We haven't actually cut into it yet, but be assured that it will be consumed with great appreciation. Thanks for the recipe, Santini. I guess it's pie season.

Yesterday Herb and I went to the end of Summit Avenue in search of beautiful and colorful leaves to photograph. The lighting was less than optimum, but there were a great lot of very pretty maple and oak and sumac leaves, as well as other species that were maybe not yet of optimum color. This is Herb as he sat among some leaves, just after taking some shots, and caught nearly unaware by his tousan, but alert enough to smile at the camera.

There was also tennis today at Fort Snelling with the gang of geezers, undeterred by the cold. We had some good competition and exercised enough to be about the right state of fatigue. My slump has abated a bit and I played well enough, and ended with some energy to spare. We missed the last part of the Vikings first loss of the season, but there have been enough replays and reporter pieces about the game that by early next week I'l be thinking that I saw the whole game.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

The pie looks yummy. I left a comment on the blueberry pie recipe post, too.