Monday, September 17, 2007

This and That

I mentioned Amelia Earhart in a previous entry, and the fact that she lived on my street back in 1913. I decided to see what the house looked like it. It was a house so large and expensive to heat that her dad nearly went broke that winter buying coal for the furnace. This is her residence which is about two blocks east of my own homestead. It's quite an attractive abode, is it not? An architectural gem?

I also have a photo from 1990 that I like, and since my tennis photos lack any excitement, I include this one. It's the cousins acting waif-like and cute in scarves. They were about seven years old. Who knew that they would turn into world travelers and go traveling in opposite directions? Who knew? And why didn't someone tell me?

My tennis story for the day is short. The day was nice, but the afternoon brought a blast of warm air to River City, and by the time the geezers met to compete it was 81 and humid. We played a couple of sets and by the time we finished the sun was nearly down and the light inadequate. We talked some about seeing Fred at the tournament this weekend. Everyone seems to have a Fred story. One. His marriage only seems to work when they live separately, but Fred is getting worried that his wife is thinking about moving back in with him. He's noticed that his closets are filling up with her clothes and considers this some sort of omen. As I said before, he's a funny guy.

Check on the Kagami Sensei xanga site. She has more interesting chat from Ogaki City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a charming house. I like the turret, or whatever that is called. At what point in life do we become legends? And other people tell each other stories about us? I thought that waited until we were dead. Apparently not. SS