Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dark Themish Day Plus One

I'm a day late with the theme day photo, and a dollar short. My archives offered up this photo of Takehara, Japan, the original place of employment of Kagami Sensei when she went to teach English there. I took this photo when Herb and I visited in May, 2006. The cemeteries in Takehara are on the sides of the cliffs - not really hills, not really mountains. Two theories. The flat land is too valuable to use for cemeteries, and, for the same reason, they plant the ancesters real close together. The other theory is that the ancesters should reside as close to the sky as possible, so they are buried high in the "hills."

The photo was taken from above, from a higher ledge where there were other graves packed close together. The view of the city shows how close together the houses are built, and, to some extent, the beauty of the countryside. This is the town where KS spent more than a year of her life. It's about a half an hour by train from Hiroshima.

It rained all day in River City. Not much happened on bikes or tennis courts.

The last segment of Ken Burns' "the War" was on PBS tonight. This segment had footage dealing with the Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima, the battle on Okinawa, and the Holocaust. There were enough bad images to wish for the end of all war. An idea worth considering.


Anonymous said...

Nice theme photo. Exotic, even. SS

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late with this comment, but I have a correction to make: Takehara is an hour and a half by train, hour and 15 minutes by bus. Just a slight discrepency~