The native grasses are still doing well in the garden that KS planted. I used the macro setting on the digital camera again and the results are displayed below. There are many signs of the ongoing drought in the city, lots of burned out crunchy lawns. The garden is not doing badly despite the dryness. It's harder to kill native grasses, I suspect.
This is what Hamline looks like this summer. I bike by fairly often because it's just a couple of miles away. Old Main is in the background, and the statue of the founder, Bishop Hamline, is in the foreground. I spent four years there and so did KS some forty years later. It's very pretty in the summer when the flowers bloom and the grass is green. I remember it mostly in the fall and winter. While the autumns were pretty and the odors of fall full of memories, most of the time I spent there I was inside, because it was frigid outside and besides I needed to study. I think the campus is really decorated for alumni and their nostalgia.
Herb says "Hooba, hooba."
I am very fond of fall on campus. First semester isn't too bad, it is that never ending winter of the next term that leaves the feeling that the academic year is always cold. I may have to visit this fall so we can bike over to Hamline and prove my point. SS
Be careful in the heat. SS
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