Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The tigers are back

It's July and over the weekend the tiger lilies bloomed again. They are regular contributors to the beauty of summer and to this blog. They are, however, a little later than they were last year.

For the record the state has now been shut down for five days. It looks like this lack of meeting of the political minds of the state is likely to last a while. I went down to the Capitol to see if there was any activity. This photo of the people's capitol building is from a different angle than normal, but looking closely, one can see that the repair work going on the old building's roof has ceased. I walked around to the front to see if there were any demonstrations in progress. There was one guy with a sign complaining that he was an unemployed government worker.

And on the front door was this sign.  I guess the political power brokers were meeting at some other location, both sides rueing the damage being done to the fabric of the state, but not really doing anything to fix it.


Santini said...

Beautiful photo. They are beginning to bloom here, too.

The state of your state is really quite sad.

Emily M said...

I agree with Santini - the state of our state is quite sad. None the less, those are excellent photos. I love the flower!

Daughter of Norway said...

I thought unemployed government workers collected some kind of money from the state even in the shutdown--what's he complaining about?

I'm glad Dayton isn't backing down but hope they reach a compromise soon.

As a kid I ate the petals of tiger lillies (also called "day lillies"). Now I spray them with round up. But not for long...

Emily M said...

DoN - Per Andy, a state employee, he and the other laid off workers will be eligible to collect unemployment checks starting next week if the shutdown continues, just like anyone else who loses their job. They will not receive any back pay once the government starts back up again. For people living paycheck to paycheck, it's a serious problem.

That is what he is complaining about.

Anonymous said...

Good shot of the Flower. I didn't know the building was closed but I do now!