Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trail Closed

The first of May and a lot of outdoor activities usually start today. Most of them would be uncomfortable on a day like today, and some would result in possibly embarrassing frost bite. The temperature in the weather station nearest to me in the Saintly City topped out at 41 degrees. Freaking degrees.

I stayed home most of the day and baked some bread in my handy dandy bread baking machine. Oatmeal and rye with the basic white flower. It was great as dessert tonight after dinner.

In the middle of the afternoon, I thought I needed a walk about. Crosby Farm is usually a nice place to walk and get a first hand view of some nature as it emerges from its winter malaise. So I got myself down the bank to Crosby Farm and started to the hiking/biking path that goes along the mighty Mississippi. The path is closed. The Mississipi has not receded enough to relinquish the flood plain to the denizens of dry land. I took a pass on the walk about, but not until I took a picture for this blog.

Another picture of the chives in my backyard. They seem to thrive in the coolish temperatures that pass for spring in these parts. I'm still working on learning the capabilities of my new camera, and this is a test shot, just trying to get a feel for the photo quality. I like the sharpness of focus and the rendering of color. And the chives look good enough to add to my next batch of vegetable soup.

1 comment:

Santini said...

The bread sounds good. Oatmeal and rye are good and good for you.

The water is liquid, at least.

I like the idea of chives in the soup. I have some chives at the beach house that have, so far, escaped the chaos, so I may harvest some quickly while they are still available. They do get lovely purple blossoms eventually.