Friday, April 30, 2010

Linwood Tennis Courts at Nearly Sundown

I was walking by the courts this evening and found them empty and unused. Most evenings when I go by there are some enthusiasts hacking a ball or two around. This arty shot could be called "Two Empty Courts."

It was supposed to rain this afternoon. It didn't, at least at the places I was occupying, but we moved the geezer gang's tennis inside to Fred Wells Tennis Center. Dennis and Bill were gone to the Nationals and Brad is nursing an injury, so we has two subs - Jerry, of Thursday night fame, and Ahto, a 64 year-old 4.0 player. Ahto grew up in Finland and played bandy as a kid. He didn't start playing tennis until about 30 years ago. We played an hour and a half set, Bill C and I against the subs. We had several set points from time to time, but finally succumbed in overtime 7-6, the tiebreaker going to 9-7. It was a grand struggle. When we finished I told Ahto that he can play with us any time. I love to see 60-ish guys play like they don't want to ever lose again. He and Jerry refused to give up that one more point that would have allowed us to win. I know I won't remember this match in a week or so, but it was the highlight of a rain threatened day.

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