Wednesday, August 10, 2011


It was a nice day for some outdoor activities. Unfortunately the first outdoor activity of the day was lawn mowing. While I was mowing with my electric mower with the long extension cord, one of the guys working for a lawn service down the street approached me to find out about the electric mower. I guess he was curious about the amount of electric juice that's necessary to cut the lawn, and whether or not it made an appreciable difference on my utility bill. I told him that I hadn't noticed any spikes in the bill, but I am a little annoyed by the need to constantly check where the cord is while I'm mowing and periodically having to get it unkinked. He went off satisfied, without offering his lawn services - the thing that I thought he was doing when he first approached. I finished the lawn and went to have a look at my electric bill.

Other outdoor activities included a set of tennis with the geezers at Marie Park in the afternoon. We had eight guys again so we used both courts and played a couple of hours. I'm not playing up to par lately, since my return from France, but it was a nice day and there were no injuries. Jerry and I lost in a tie-breaker after being ahead 5-2. Tennis goes like that some days.

To assuage my feelings of disappointment, I went looking through my travel photos for something pretty and that had not yet been published here. My choice is a photo of a flower garden at the Jardins de Plantes in Paris.

Soothing, don't you think?

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

I don't know what they're called, but they are pretty fleurs. And soothing.

An electric lawnmower uses very little juice, but according to JB it's major benefit is that you are not using a two-cycle engine. Power lawnmowers are terrible polluters. Of course, you used the push type, so that doesn't apply to you.