Thursday, July 30, 2009


The tomatoes in MBY are beginning to ripen. I had a nice salad for dinner, accentuated by about a half dozen homegrown cherry tomatoes. Did I mention fresh? So far the squirrels haven't noticed the ripening fruit, but I suspect it's only a matter of time. Did I mention that squirrels are vermin?

When you bicycle twice in a day, the second time is recycling. Today I played tennis twice, once this morning and then some doubles with Jerry and the hardcore girls. I guess that's re-smacking. I'm due for a vacation from the sport, I think. My mileage on the courts is not determinable, but I think I'll try to take some time off and try some new activities in the next week or so.

July is nearly gone. It's been coolish and very dry. An odd summer as we await the effects of global warming.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

I have tomato envy.

Sometimes we need to take a little time off from our favorite activities and do other things.