Saturday, April 19, 2008

Old Stuff

There was decent geezer tennis this morning inside at Wooddale. I talked to Rich Stebbins today and my first outside tennis in Minnesota for 2008 is scheduled for tomorrow with him. I played six sets of outdoor tennis in January in Florida on clay courts, so it's not the first time in the elements for the year, but it has been eagerly anticipated. Tomorrow is predicted to warm into the 60's.

The longest lived woman in my ancestry was Jacobine Petrine Sørensdtr Hansen, my great-grandmother. She was born January 22, 1864, to Søren Jørgensen and Anne Petrine Jacobsdtr at Faksfjord farm, near Magisaas in Norway. She died February 1, 1952 at Yellow Lake, Wisconsin at age 88. I am gladdened to report that there have been a few long livers in my family. :-)

She was born before automobiles and lived into the atomic age. Abe Lincoln was President when she was born and she died in the last year of Harry Truman's administration.

There are just four days until the scheduled re-arrival of Kagami Sensei on these shores. She carries some of Jacobine's DNA; both were long distance travelers. Jakobine liked her fish cooked, while KS has been known to take hers raw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As it turns out, I've been to her birthplace, or very near by. I remember her, slightly. 88 is a long life, for days before anti biotics, vaccines and such. (My grandfather had a liver THIS long.....) SS