Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain." -T.S. Eliot. "The Wasteland"
One of the older gentlemen that I play tennis with is a retired American Literature professor from North Dakota State University (or whatever institute of higher learning is in Fargo). Last week, when it snowed and acted like it was about to become blizzard, I repeated the "cruelest month" line as we were beginning a session of indoor tennis. Tonight after three sets outside in almost ideal weather (except for some unwelcome wind), he presented me a copy of the first page of TSE's epic poem. It's a poem he taught and has a special affinity for. I keyed in the lines for the poetry lovers out there. My gang of geezers contains some members of the literati. And a stock broker.
We move on to May and the promise of warmth and active days of summer life.
One of yesterday's photos (below) was of part of the St Paul Cathedral with U.S. and Minnesota flags flapping in the breeze. Church and state, if you will.
KS has been surveying the back yard and making plans to convert it to a native plant garden. Just hearing her plans makes my back ache. I'm hoping that the labor for her project comes from laborers below the age when Social Security checks are an option. A fervent hope.