Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leaves aplenty

It's a quandary. The anniversary of the blizzard of '91, when about two feet of snow fell on my backyard, is tomorrow. I have trees with leaves still attached left in my yard and in adjacent yards. Today, I decided to begin the process of gathering the leaves and bagging them up for the recycle site. I know I'll have to do it again, but the process passed for exercise, and I was able to squeeze off a couple of middling photos for the blog. There are still leaves on other trees, as I said before, including these colorful, but reluctant bits of foliage.

This is the main pile from the sugar maple in the back yard.

Halloween is tomorrow. Good haunting to all.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Oooooh. Pretty leaf picture.

Compared to GZ, that's a paltry leaf pile. It looks like we missed the Halloween snow this year -- it sure looks nasty on the east coast, though.