Monday, January 31, 2011

Another snow event

We are in the midst of another round of falling snow. This time it's maybe 5-7 inches, enough for a snow emergency plowing event beginning tonight. It is a pretty snow as it continues to fall.

I promised a trip to the fairgrounds to see the Winter Carnival snow sculptures. I was there this afternoon and it snowed continuously while I was there. Snow messes up snow sculptures. The details that were lovingly carved by the artists get filled in and the sculptures begin to look more like just another pile of snow. This photo depicts an auto being driven to the Winter Carnival. It's representative of the works on the grounds.

A street photo to show what St Paul is looking like today. This was taken on Ben Hill street, one of my routes to Crosby Farm when I'm biking on warmer days. It looks like it may need to be plowed tonight and I guess it will get what it needs.

I saw a guy biking on Lexington Avenue near Como this afternoon while I was driving to the fairgrounds. I wanted to take his photo, because he was moving precariously up a rise on Lexington towards Como Lake, so precariously that he lost traction and got off to walk the bike up the street amongst the traffic. It was not a day that I'd want to be on a bike in that part of the city. He is a brave man.

There will be shoveling and roof raking galore in the next 18-24 hours in the Saintly City.


Retired Professor said...

This is not good news for people who have dealt with the massive amounts of snow that have fallen in the cities since fall ended abruptly. We skyped with OSLO and the COTU this evening, and they're bracing for a big storm, too. The kids are hoping for a snow day off from school, of course.

The ice sculptures are pretty unique, and quite beautiful. Thanks for braving the elements to get the photos. Tomorrow's theme day subject is fountains. Probably no ice fountains among your photos.

Anonymous said...

I also saw a person on a bike today. We crossed each others pass when I was on the snowmobile coming home from the lake. There is one intersection on my street between my house. I had to stop for bike traffic? MM