Thursday, July 15, 2010

Further adventures

The boat anchor refused to give up its treasure. I took the old computer and the new one, plus the hard drive and my iPod Touch to the Apple Store. I was hoping that the guys at the Genius Bar would be able to salvage my photos and my iTunes. Those guys are good. And they were working for free. The photos were salvaged from the hard disk, and iTunes from an old backup copy. The music that I bought over the years was relinquished by the Apple Store. The boat anchor, once a trusted partner, refused to utter even a single byte. Who can you trust these days? The shiny new computer is good to go. I have a learning curve to travel, but I can get to all but a week's worth of photos - nature shots at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary. I have to learn a new set of Applications, iWorks, iNumber, iPage, and I get a camera on my computer and good speakers.

This photo is my first from photo booth. It turns out that a camera on a laptop nearly always points at the picture taker. It's a nice toy, but not very flexible as a still camera.

I guess I'll be able to blog successfully again. Soon I'll download some new photos and everything will be normal.

My friendly MPR radio station was filled with news of the Prez in blueberry country. "Obama visits Holland," they said. I'm interested in finding how he was received in Red Territory. He was speaking at the dedication of a battery factory or some other business eager to create some jobs with federal financial help.

It was a really nice July day. In addition to the computer project, I mowed the lawn and ate some lunch. That's pretty much it. Enough for one day when a data emergency was averted.


lawlsi said...

Tula's comment... Nobody threw blueberries at him.

Good to hear that the pictures were saved. Nature Sanctuary photos at a local spot are not the worst ones to lose, if you have to lose something.

Nice post. Nutty picture.


BDE said...

I wouldn't say nutty; I would say scary.