Sunday, August 19, 2007

Noah had an ark

It rained all day. Sometimes a hard rain, sometimes a drizzle. It was a slow Sunday here. Parts of southeast Minnesota, near St Charles and Winona, close to the first of our MSTRAM routes, had a deluge over night. There were reports of 17 inches of rain in spots and six people were killed. It's been a bad month in Minnesota - the bridge collapse, the Como windstorm and now the deluge. Someone is apparently angry at us.

This is another photo of SS (another LuLu for NM), this time from 1948 or so, judging again by the age of the baby boy on Lillie's lap. That baby is Mr. Moohoo. SS is the blond, Dorothy Anderson (at the time, then McCune), Lillie's sister is at the right. Hansine is there, too, on the left, but it's not much of a photo of her. They are sitting on the steps of Hansine and Richard's homestead, a house that no longer exists. What I find interesting is the expression on Lillie's face. It is a stern look, perhaps some anger, perhaps just introspection caught in the camera as the moment passed. SS looks pretty content, not under any stress, so who knows. Incidentally, GZ is wearing some kick-ass booties.


Anonymous said...

Pretty steady rain here, too. The news has mentioned the Root River, which was the Lanesboro part of the ride. Not much to blog about here. Another nice photo from the distant past. SS

Anonymous said...

If GZ is about a year old, it is probably Dorothy McCune. I think Kenny is just a year younger than GZ, and I can almost see a wedding ring on her left hand? SS