Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar vortex returns

It was -11º F. overnight, but gradually warmed to zero by afternoon. It was a business day, however, and NCW had a couple of cans of quarters, dimes and nickels to feed to the Affinity Plus "Purple Penny Eater," so we set out to brave the elements and maybe get a look at St Paul at minus 3 degrees. The coins were successfully digested by the machine and money changed hands. We stopped on Cherokee and Smith to look at the skyline of St Paul. It was too cold for NCW to get out of the car, so I snapped a few shots from the top of the bluff and we went on our way. The big cloud in the downtown area is the central heating facility and is supposed to be steam only. But it's a lot of steam. The Mississippi River between me and the steam was covered with ice. The polar vortex has done its job.

The stop sign at the corner by the Smith Avenue bridge has lost its equilibrium and needs righting. I think that will wait for a warmer day.

The Xcel power plant was smokin' and making electricity, burning natural gas and spewing carbon dioxide into the morning air. It's visible above the Smith Bridge.

We were off then to Trader Joe's where we bought groceries and then home for lunch. On a day like this it's best to stay inside and count blessings. And have a high calorie lunch.

Later we were out again, this time for some Target shopping, a way to fend off cabin fever. January will be with us a while longer and with it the threat of more polar vortex temps. Minnesota Januarys are often like this. It just must be endured.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Yup, that looks cold. Our grocery stores (MI) usually have coin counting/exchange machines in them. They probably take a bigger cut than the credit union does, though.

Winter is about half over. Maybe more, since it started so dang early this year.