Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sumac's Changing

The season's are beginning to change. The sumac at Swede Hollow are half way through the process and look conflicted. It was a cloudy morning and not so good for photography, but I had a hike through Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary and Swede Hollow to see what was up and about in the morning. There were eagles again, ruling the roost, but out of range of my walk around camera. They are impressive beasts, and I know where they hang around many mornings in the fall. There was also a shadowy figure that ran rapidly across my line of vision that was about the size of a badger, but looked too brown to be a badger. I didn't get a very good look or a photo, so I'm only guessing. And there was a guy walking his two pitbulls off leash, and they seemed more ominous than the wild things.

Eventually the clouds burned off or dried out and the day got warm and bright. I played a set of singles with my old Hamline nemesis, Rich, who is visiting from Tucson, and later a set or so with the Geezer Tennis Asssociation. It was one of the nicest September days in the history of September days. I managed to get another minor injury. This seems to be a broken blood vessel in my right big finger - an injury of overuse, I suspect. GOINFS. [growing old is not for sissies.]

1 comment:

santini said...

I don't think I've ever seen Sumac at quite that stage of color turning. Very pretty. (Here's an oddity for you. I remember from my days in Ft. Wayne that the Amish pronounce it shoe-mack.)