Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some ducks being ducky

The ducks are back for the summer, although in truth, many spent the winter here. I saw a whole herd of them at Carver's Cave at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary in the dead of winter. I guess all they need is some open water and some accessible food. In this case these mallards are pairing up and probably will be leading a pack of little ducklings around in a month or so. I'll keep an eye out for them.

The Prairie Princess blogged today and announced that she has been accepted to the Norwegian graduate school that she applied to for the second time a few months ago. She was accepted the first time last year, but decided not to go this past year, but it looks like this time will be different. She starts sometime in August.  I sense that I'll be traveling to Norway sometime in the next year. In fact I made some sort of promise to that effect. Read about her new situation in her blog - Daughter of Norway.  She also has some photos from her new town in Wisconsin.

There was tennis on the agenda again today.  Jerry, a regular on Thursday and Saturday, was back tonight from a back injury that he suffered a couple of weeks ago, an injury caused by attempting to move a TV set that was heavier than it looked.  It looks like he'll have to play himself back into shape, but at least he's back.  We managed to finish a couple of sets tonight and except for one moment when the wincing was out of control, no one was injured ... or re-injured.

Snow is predicted for tomorrow night.  Winter refuses to go away quietly.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Good wildlife photo. The new camera seems to be working out okay.

Good news about Kelsey and grad school. I googled the school, and it is just south of OSLO, something I am sure you know. Sounds like lots of travel in your near future.