Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kind of a nice Sunday

It was Sunday and also Easter. You'd think that there might be some lilies blooming somewhere outside on a Sunday this deep into April. I went to see what I could find. I haven't been to the Stone Arch Bridge in a while, so I drove there and spent the afternoon looking at the river and seeing what was going on. The first photo is the Stone Arch Bridge from an angle not often seen.

A wide shot of St Anthony Falls from just above the falls as the Mississippi roars over the edge.  Minneapolis' west bank is in the distance.

These aren't lilies, but crocuses. The crocuses in my yard are past prime, but these, on the shore of the Mississippi, are freshly emerged and looking good.

There were also a lot of people and water birds strolling around, enjoying the warm afternoon. These mallards were very tame and I was able to get close to them and got a pretty good photo.

No tennis today, but it would have been a good day to play outside. I was tired enough from last week's action to put off the outside play until next week. There will be more days like this and some better as we progress towards the summer solstice.

1 comment:

Santini said...

That is an unique shot of the stone arch bridge. The water levels don't look as high as I expected. Still some room to rise.

Nice wildlife shot of the ducks. You always seem to get good photos of the mallards.