There was also a group trek to Tunnel Park, as is pretty normal for this week. We climbed the dune and several of us ran down the dune on the other side. I ran down it myself, but not with the same pizzaz as UH, PP, and the SLO's. I think this photo represents the activity on the dune pretty well - PP zigzagging down the sand.
As we walked back to the house on the dune the sun did a very nice job of setting in the west. It was a nice surprise after the way the day began. It was a nice sunset and a nice vacation day.
No tennis to report today, but a return to my schedule of doubles action is imminent.
That's a great set of pictures.
We rode down to the state park and the flags were flying green today. Not much of a sunset though -- yet another cloud bank on the horizon.
Hope you got to play some tennis.
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