Saturday, May 17, 2008

Spring-ish Activity

The morning was superb for tennis. There was some wind, but the sun was shining. We had eight older gentlemen show up at Marie Park for Saturday morning doubles. Three sets in two hours went on the record for me. I should probably keep a log of sets played this summer, but it seems like a tedious exercise.

I caught Unky Herb lying around on the grass in the back yard. I mowed it yesterday and it was inviting enough that he had to stretch out and contemplate the sky, or perhaps his next trip to London. It was probably the first opportunity of the year for such activity, since the year refuses to get very warm. He made it look like an inviting activity.

Some storms and rain passed to the north this afternoon, and the wind blew pretty hard, but the native plant expert was out pulling weeds and rescuing her plants from the invasive species that have moved in on them while she was away. I caught her hugging a clump of North American grass, species unknown to me. I think that she'll get the garden into pretty good shape in short order.

The rain never arrived in our part of the city.


Anonymous said...

Excellent photos. Sounds like a pretty nice day.

Anonymous said...

The photographers say to say 'HI.'