Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dock Damage

It warmed up today to 37 degrees.  For this February, it's a heat wave.  The weather creatures promise more below zero cold by Tuesday, so I went to check out the lake at Como Park.  I haven't been there since sometime in January, maybe December, before my trip to Florida.  The frozen waters have done dire things to the dock by Como Pavilion.  The forces of freezing are pretty strong and unpredictable.  The remedy for a crushed dock is an orange warning sign.  See below.

I walked around the lake and crossed Lexington on the foot bridge to go visit the environs around the conservatory.  The area around the golf course was inundated by Sunday cross country skiers and snow shoers.   People with cabin fever were given a day off and many searched out the open stretches of snow on the golf course to get some exercise and exposure to dim sunlight.  The grip of winter is beginning to weaken, but it is not yet over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very picturesque -- the orange sign against the white snow. It looks cold, and our WINK weather reader says it is 5 degrees in Minneapolis this morning. It is time for winter to start the change over to spring. SS