Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A rabbit lives around here somewhere

The clouds stayed all day and a feeling of impending autumn was prematurely in the air. I guess it's too early to say summer is ending, but it was a reminder that summer is short at this latitude. The rabbits have taken advantage of the summer and the population has seemed to grow to a pretty high level. I have at least one living in the area, probably in the native plant garden - where the bergamot grows. At least that's where he or she runs to when I surprise it and give chase - like a latter day Farmer McGregor. It always escapes, but just a couple of days ago I found the remains of one of his cousins in the backyard. It had run afoul of a cat or some other killing machine and was half consumed when I came upon it. It's a cat eat rabbit world out there. This one is imperiled every time it goes out for lunch.

Some stats:  Yesterday was the 92nd day of 2013 that I've played tennis. Which averages 13.14 times a month for the first seven months of the year. There have been 210 days so far in the year. 92/210 = 43.8% of the days. No wonder I'm feeling tired today.


Retired Professor said...

Pesky rabbit.

Nice numbers. I knew you'd eventually find some use for collecting them.

Gino said...

Everyone loves numbers, even in a cat eat rabbit world.

The neighbor has cats, we have rabbit habitat, I too have occasionally discovered half eaten rabbits in my yard.

Jimi said...

What's the use of having numbers unless you do some data mining once in a while? I have more.

I'll be watching for that rabbit to see if it makes it through the summer. It's still not big enough to handle one of those killer cats.

Retired Professor said...

Jimmy Erickson's dog .....

There is always something bigger.

Jimi said...

Jimmy Erickson's dog??????