I took this picture from the Wabasha Bridge overlooking Raspberry Island. The railroad bridge just down river from Raspberry Island has amassed a clog of tree trunks, branches and various other pieces of junk. The protectors of the bridge decided to clear the clog and sent out the heavy equipment on the tracks. I spent some moments on this pretty day watching guys work on unclogging the Mississippi. I assume they successfully completed their task, but I went on to try and get a picture of the Harriet Island water level.
I managed to find an area where the orange fencing was missing and was able to get to a vantage point where I could see the great lawn of the island and the river beyond. I hurried to take the photo because the St Paul cops (in the photo) were on their way. Shortly after the photo I was accosted by an officer who explained politely that the park is closed and that I should scram. I engaged in some conversation, drawing on my stature as a senior citizen, and asked if I might take a photo or two more. She explained that if she let me do it there would be a crowd of other folk expecting the same privilege. That, of course, is the standard line that is always used on juveniles to shut off the fun. It worked on me, too. No arrest was necessary. I thanked her for her service and walked out to my auto. Then I drove to the lookout near the high bridge for more viewing.
No tennis today, but tomorrow starts my four days in a row. The outdoor courts continue to look inviting, but it's still a little chilly and the wind is also a factor.
Good story telling . Part one, Railroad bridge. That's a big looking tree that is hung up on the bridge. I assume it could do some real damage. Part two, Confrontation with 'man' in blue. Pretty funny. I play the old person card now and then myself. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a shot. I assume she didn't call you 'honey.'
She didn't call me "honey" nor did I get the taser treatment often offered to obstreperous youth. My senior status was seemingly respected.
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