Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lilac time

It's a really nice treat to come home from Up North and find that the lilacs have bloomed and sent out that distinctive delicious aroma. They are late this year. More than a month.  Last year I posted a photo of lilacs from the same bush on April 24.

Nonetheless, the lilacs are back and summer can commence.

 I also had my first rainout of outdoor tennis in Minnesota for the year. Six of the retired tennis players gathered at Sibley High School to engage in competition, but after a mere eight games the sky thundered and rain poured down as we "scampered" to our autos.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Our lilacs are now past their peak, but still putting out that lovely fragrance when you get close to them.

Scampering is not for old people.