Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Minnehaha Falls again

The falls are roaring. The ice is almost gone and spring is threatening to return. Today's temp managed to eke into the melt zone, but just barely. I went over to see what the level of the creek is and the condition of the creek, now that they are working on stabilizing the banks of the creek. I walked the trail to the Mississippi, too. The water is very high there, too, but unlike Fargo, we aren't going to have a flood here. We have a wide river valley and some sizable hills to build houses on.

Winter is not giving up yet. The curling season is done and it's too cold to ride a bike - for me, at least. There will be more tennis tomorrow and into the weekend.

1 comment:

Santini said...

That's a lot of water -- always an interesting photograph. At least it is warm enough that you can spend some outside. You don't need to bike in the cold -- tennis will keep your heart pumping until it warms up.