Monday, January 26, 2009

One Hundred Years Old

The young father in this photo was just 35 when this photo was taken on May 30, 1944. Today is his 100th birthday. He has been gone since 1976, but not forgotten. On the back of the photo, in the hand of his wife, and the mother of his two sons, was written, "On Tommy's 3rd Birthday. Thos. E. Miller" The boys, sometimes known as Peyeister and Pedoodle, other times as Tommy and Jimmy, seem secure, but distracted by something or someone off to their right. The older gentleman is holding a cigarette in his right hand. Cigarettes were a big part of his life and his undoing. But in 1944, he was looking pretty snazzy in his roguish hat. The family car (I assume) stands directly behind them. Was it a Ford? A Plymouth? Maybe Peyeister knows. The photo looks like it was taken at Richard Anderson's farm on Yellow River.

Happy birthday to the old guy and best wishes to all who remember him and especially those who carry some of his DNA.


Santini said...

I'm thinking Plymouth. Cute boys.

Santini said...

TT -- On July 25, 1944 he was on AmChitka in the Aleutian Islands. SS